♥100 Questions to Lolitas♥

This questionnaire floated around Japanese Lolita's webpages back in the 2000s. ※I could not translate Q.5 and Q.63, if you can translate please let me know lol. Also there's lots of typos I need to fix.
1 Please tell us your Name, Birthday and Where You're From.
Naomi, 22/06/97, from the UK.
2 What is your Height, Weight, Clothes Size and Shoe Size?
I'm 170cm (5ft7), weight is a secret (for now), clothes size is usually UK10/12 (US6/8) and my shoe size is UK5 (24.5cm).
3 Why did you start wearing Lolita Fashion?
Ah..actually I think I bought my LARME magazine as usual and there was a BTSSB ad there that really caught my eye. Everything was so cute so I really started thinking seriously about wearing Lolita. When I discovered Closet Child and saw BTSSB's Tartan Shirring Princess JSK I really decided to start wearing it. I didn't actually buy that dress until a few months later though.
4 What's your favourite genre(style) of Lolita?
I've always liked Old School especially in Sweet the most. I appreciate Gothic and Classic too.
5 上記に対するこだわりや、自分なりの定義など有れば教えてください。(I'm sorry I'm having difficulty translating this one)
I think it's asking if you have your own way of definining the sub style of lolita you wear.
6 Do you have any piercings, and if so how many?
I have 2 lobe piercings in each ear and a helix piercing in my left ear.
7 What is your favourite brand?
I'd say Baby and Meta. I can't pick between them!
8 What is your favourite piece of clothing?
I'd say Meta's Detective Poodle JSK. It's super comfy and I love the beige tartan. Also the velveteen cape is removable which makes it fun to wear in different ways. It's definitely my first choice when I want something easy to wear.
9 How many Lolita friends do you have?
Hmm like 8-9? friends I am close to. I can't remember exactly how many lol.
10 What is the best thing about being a Lolita?
It's fun and it's beautiful. I love that these clothes exist and that I can wear them.
11 On the contrary, what is the worst?
Being the center of people's attention when you go out can be mentally tiring.
12 What magazine(s) do you read?
I read whatever. Nowadays I'm focusing on collecting Gothic Lolita Bibles. Before I collected LARME. I sometimes support Gyaru magazines too. Western-wise I collect Vogue UK. There is no current magazine that I really love and read cover to cover though.
13 Headdresses v Bonnets v Ribbons (Headbands)?
Headdresses! I love headdresses. They are for me maybe the cutest part of a coord. I don't think ribbons suit me.
14 Do you wear bloomers?
Of course.
15 Do you tie your headress in the front or the back?
Usually the front. I don't wear jewellery so much, so the ribbon decorates my neck. I think seeing the ribbon is cuter.
16 Do you have a favourite music genre or band?
I listen to many genres. Modern Jpop or Showa Jpop idols, early 2000s pop, some modern pop.
17 What is your phone ringtone?
The default iPhone one.
18 Do you go to lives/concerts in Lolita?
19 For those that go to lives/concerts, do you headbang?
No lol
20 What colours do you like?
My favourite colour is pink, then white or ivory. I also like sax blue. Recently I like yellow too.
21 What are your hobbies?
I like songwriting, going to museums, listening to music, collecting magazines.
22 What is your favourite perfume?
Love Story by Chloe
23 Being a Lolita, is there anything you are careful of?
I try to not fall over in the street...
24 Where do you usually hang out?
Oxford Street
25 How many times do you wear lolita a week?
It depends how I feel. Usually if I'm going out anywhere I'll wear lolita, so it just depends on if I go out. I wear some pieces around the house sometimes but usually without headdresses and nice socks etc
26 Please tell us an embarrassing story you are guilty of from your early days of wearing lolita
I was really shaky the first time I wore lolita outside!
27 What is your hairstyle and hair colour now?
Dark brown and wavy. I want to try short hair too sometime.
28 How long is your lolita history?
2 years in May.
29 Do you have a dedicated place for storing lolita?
My normal wardrobe has become my exclusive lolita wardrobe due to lack of space.
30 Up to now have you ever thought about quitting lolita?
No. Sometimes I thought I wasted too much money on it though.
31 What is your motto?
If you don't ask the answer will always be no.
32 What is your future dream?
I want to have a job a like, I want to wear clothes I like, I want to have a family someday, I want to be happy.
33 Is there any celebrity you think "This person definitely suits Lolita!"?
Hmm...not really.
34 Please tell us about an item that is full of memories
Baby's Tartan Shirring Princess was the first piece I laid my eyes on and I feel happy wearing it. It reminds me how when I first saw it I kept the tab open forever thinking about whether I should wear Lolita.
35 What is the very first item you got?
I don't remember. My first main piece was an old school Baby OP that was tiny.
36 When having your photo taken, do you have a pose you always do?
I tend to hold the left side of my dress for some reason.
37 What is your bible? (Book, Magazine, CD etc)
My Lolita folder on my computer. Seiko Matsuda's album Tinker Bell. Macoto Takahashi's artbooks
38 What is the height of the tallest shoes you wear?
Lolita wise around 4cm. I'm already tall so I like little heels.
39 Have you ever worn a tiara?
40 Occassionaly do you want to try Ouji?
41 What kind of lace do you like?
Thick torchon lace is my favourite.
42 Do you have dolls? If you do please tell us about her!
I have a porcelain doll called Francoise. I got her from a charity shop.
43 What's inside your Lolita bag?
Purse, tissues, lip gloss, keys, mirror etc. Same as usual.
44 What's your favourite flower?
I like daisies. I love when brands use marguerite daisy lace or buttons.
45 What is your favourite accessory right now?
Vivienne Westwood Orb necklace.
46 What is your favourite or reccommended cosmetics?
Bourjois Paris's Smoky Stories 02 Over Rose eyeshadow palette has a glitter shade that is pretty dusted on the eyelid. Yves Saint Laurent's Volupté Tint in Balm is a really pretty, good quality lip balm which gorgeous packaging. Dior's Dior Addict Ultra Gloss is so sparkly and cute.
47 Big and beautiful eyes are the proof of a doll! So, do you wear false eyelashes? Also if you have any tips for application please tell us.
I don't because I can't apply them, also I haven't found any that suit me.
48 Please tell us your eye make up fixation.
My eye make up is not complete without mascara on the lower lashes.
49 Is your lipstick red? Blue? Black? Pink?
Red always.
50 What colour do you use often for your manicures?
51 Have you ever stealthily changed into your clothes in a train (or public) toilet?
52 Have you ever done a twinning coord? A triplet coord? What are your thoughts?
I haven't but 3 of us do have something from Meta's Gingham Cherry series though so we might. I think it looks cute to match but I don't particularly care for it.
53 What do you do to keep your figure? Any reccommendations?
54 Wearing lolita alone. Are you okay with it?
Of course. It can be daunting at first but you get used to it. You're more likely to be hounded with questions when you're in a group.
55 How much do you spend a month on clothes and accessories?
It depends on if something pops up and if I have any dispable cash!
56 Was there a considerable time difference between when you found out about Lolita and when you started wearing it?
I knew about lolita way back when I got interested in learning Japanese. But when I really looked into it again it didn't take long to start wearing it. Of course it's easier when you are older and have more money.
57 What is the most expensive thing you've bought up to now?
My Vivienne Westwood Orb necklace. Brand wise, my meta bloomers and socks because I bought them directly.
58 Lolita is really expensive. How to get money for it?
A job (which I don't have right now). Present money etc lol.
59 Just between the two of us, generally how much have you spent on Lolita altogether up until now?
Oh gosh. Thousands of pounds.
60 What shop do you want close to you?
Closet Child.
61 Just between the two of use, are there are any shops you think are a total ripoff?
Not really, brands put out nice stuff so I can't complain. Moitie has always been more expensive than everyone else and I'd guess that's because of the whole 'brand' (don't kill me if any Gothic Lolitas are reading this).
62 Do you use online shops? If you have what are the good and bad points about it? If you haven't, please tell us why.
Since I don't live in Japan, of course. I haven't had many bad experiences really, but you have to be careful about second hand item quality, it can be like Russian roulette.
63 ちょっと秘密にしときたいけど私だけにコッソリ☆な個人製作サイトさんを教えてください (Couldn't translate this one)
I think the question is asking about telling someone's personal site
64 I definitely won't get it! But I really really want it! Do you have a certain something from a certain brand that you want?
Yes, as an old schooler that's pretty much our way of life.
65 What do you do wih pieces you get bored of?
I've never been bored of my clothes, I've only sold things that I didn't suit.
66 What is the last thing you bought (even outside of Lolita)?
I bought a 70s maxi dress from a vintage shop.
67 Is there something you'll probably never have it again, but you can't forget about?
Whatever I can't forget about is probably something I never owned.
68 What do you think of people that wear lolita only to lives/concerts?
I think it's fine, if you don't want it to be your regular clothes you don't have to.
69 What do you think of people that don't wear makeup with lolita fashion?
It doesn't affect me in any way. For me, I must wear makeup!
70 There's a Lolita wearing the same coord as you! What do you think?
I'd be really happy. And old school twin!
71 From what age until what age do you think is forgivable to wear Lolita?
Lolita is a fashion which many would argue looks ridiculous on anyone over the age of a literal child, so at this point there's no need for an age limit. I don't even care if you want to wear Sugary Carnival when you're 50.
72 In what situation do you think you would have to stop wearing Lolita?
If I stopped loving it.
73 Do you have any "Stop doing this!" warnings?
Stop not cleaning your clothes! Please learn how to clean your clothes, it's not impossible because it's Lolita!
74 Do you have any thoughts about what a Lolita should be like?
I think a Lolita should be confident to wear their clothes in public..
75 Excluding Q.73, is there anything you don't want a Lolita to do?
Hmm not really
76 What do you think of boys wearing Lolita?
Well I think Mana sama is the most gorgeous Lolita ever lol
77 Since wearing Lolita has anything about changed from before?
I started to care more about the quality of clothes rather than just how they look. I started to eat fancy cakes and buy flowers.
78 What do the people around you say about you wearing Lolita?
I've always liked cute stuff and I was interested in Japan since I was a teenager so it's not surprising to anyone. My mum thinks it's great that I can express myself with these clothes (she thinks it's too expensive though).
79 In the midsummer heat what kind of Lolita do you wear?
Luckily I don't live in a too hot climate so usually I just wear the same things and carry a fan or mini electric fan for the stuffy train. I get very hot even in Winter in Lolita to be honest because I walk very fast and heat up lol. If it's heatwave levels of heat I don't wear it.
80 Do you wear Lolita to school/your workplace?
I will wear it when I go back to school.
81 What are your regular style of clothes?
I dunno, generally girly, a bit of vintage. I'm mostly in comfy stuff if I'm at home.
82 Are you opposed to second hand clothing?
Of course not! I do not wear modern lolita pieces.
83 Do you have a partner? And do they understand Lolita?
I don't know how to answer this right now!
84 Please tell us the image of your ideal guy
I don't know! I guess being artistic is a must. And I think long hair looks good on guys too. Also he would like Lolita fashion.
85 Is there a Lolita that has left a big impression on you?
An old Meta model of whom I don't know her name, but she's perfect.
86 Have you ever made your own clothes? If so what kind?
I havent, I'm not good at that sort of thing.
87 Have you ever made your own accessories? If so what?
Same as before. I'd like to learn to make headdresses someday though.
88 Is there an item you've made that you think "It's a great success!"?
89 If you have an ideal coord, please talk about it.
I have loads, but in particular a coordinate with the bag being of the same series of the main piece is my ideal!
90 Is there someone you admire? What kind of person are they?
I have a friend I admire for her positivity. I've never met anyone so great before.
91 For one day you can go on a date with that special persion. They will also be wearing their favourite clothes. So who is it, what are you wearing and where is the date?
It's the person I want to go out with on a date! I think AP's Mode Girl would be a cute date look, and we'd go to an art museum and then a pretty cafe.
92 If you could open a shop in the future, what kind would it be?
Either a select shop that sells on pink things, or a retro clothing shop that sells 60s mini dresses.
93 Unconsciously, this catches your eye! Which motif is it?
94 Would you also want your child(ren) to wear Lolita?
Not in particular, unless they like it. Matching coords would be cute though! Until they grow up and hate it lol
95 How much do you spend on each piece of clothing?
It depends
96 This is a Lolita! If you think there's a gesture like that please tell us.
Not a gesture, but walking with a parasol
97 Even if it's only one time I wanna wear it! Is there something you want to wear other than Lolita?
Nothing.. within Lolita I'd like to try classic once.
98 Looking at your Lolita, if you could use one word to represent it, what would it be?
99 What is your image of an ideal Lolita?
Someone that's consistent in what they like and wears that with dedication.
100 大変お疲れ様でした! Please share your thoughts on taking this questionnaire.
It was tiring, but fun.